
Watch here for news items relating to our parish.

  • Proposed Chancel Renovation

    The PDF with the proposal for the chancel renovation is available by clicking on the picture to the left.  It contains the 2012 proposal, the measured drawing for the 2017 proposal with notes, and some reference photos from two churches that have undergone similar renovations.

    File size: 1.3 MB

2016 Stewardship Campaign

This year, we're doing something new for the stewardship campaign.  Starting Sunday, September 4, 2016, we are launching "Stewardship Season" with a thematic sermon and the distribution of a stewardship package to every household.  Please pick yours up from the welcome table in the lobby.

In the package, you will find a cover letter from the stewardship committee and a commitment brochure.  In years past, the commitment card has only asked what financial commitment parishioners plan to make for the upcoming year.  This year, the brochure will still ask for prayerful commitment to supporting the work of the parish with your money, but it also takes into account that money is not the only way we can support ministry at St. John's.  There are a variety of ministry opportunities in the brochure and you can check off any that you might be interested in and someone will contact you to discuss it.

When you complete your brochure, it can be returned at any time before Thanksgiving.  Callers will begin checking in with parishioners in the week of 19 September to make sure you received your package and to answer any questions.  On Thanksgiving Sunday, all brochures will be placed in a basket on the alter as a way to consecrate our commitment of time, talent, and treasure to the work to which God calls us.

The Evangelist

St. John's Parish Newsletter

What Is the Evangelist?

The Evangelist is St. John's parish newsletter, published quarterly. It is available from the links below and is emailed to parishioners. Printed copies are available for pick up at the church for those without access to email.

Below are the most recent editions of the Evangelist, downloadable in PDF form. Most computers have the PDF reader installed.  However, if you don't have it yet, you can download it from here.

December 2012March 2013October 2013
December 2013April 2014June 2014
October 2014

Evangelist Archives

Here are some older versions of the Evangelist for your nostalgic review.













Evangelist Archives

Here are some older versions of the Evangelist for your nostalgic review.

March June September December
March December
June September November