The Regional Ministry is a collaboration that began on July 1st, 2022 between six congregations in five parishes: the churches of St John the Evangelist, Peterborough; Christ Church, Campbellford; St George's, Hastings; St James', Roseneath; St Michael's, Westwood; and St John the Evangelist, Havelock.
It came about as a result of a conversation between the partner churches that began in the Fall of 2019. Given the challenges and opportunities of ministry in the east end of the Peterborough Deanery, the conversation led us to enter into a two-year pilot project working together, sharing clergy and lay leadership and building stronger outreach, seniors, and youth ministries across the Region.
Pictured below are the five existing churches (St James' was destroyed by fire in 2019 and has not yet been rebuilt). From left to right: St John's Peterborough, Christ Church, St Michael's, St George's, and St John's Havelock.
Below, you will find the following sections:
- News & Announcements
- Upcoming Events
- Why Regional Ministry?
- Regional Council Minutes