Welcome to the Rice Lake Regional Ministry!

The Regional Ministry is a collaboration that began on July 1st, 2022 between six congregations in five parishes: the churches of St John the Evangelist, Peterborough; Christ Church, Campbellford; St George's, Hastings; St James', Roseneath; St Michael's, Westwood; and St John the Evangelist, Havelock.

It came about as a result of a conversation between the partner churches that began in the Fall of 2019.  Given the challenges and opportunities of ministry in the east end of the Peterborough Deanery, the conversation led us to enter into a two-year pilot project working together, sharing clergy and lay leadership and building stronger outreach, seniors, and youth ministries across the Region.

Pictured below are the five existing churches (St James' was destroyed by fire in 2019 and has not yet been rebuilt).  From left to right:  St John's Peterborough, Christ Church, St Michael's, St George's, and St John's Havelock.

Below, you will find the following sections:

  • News & Announcements
  • Upcoming Events
  • Why Regional Ministry?
  • Regional Council Minutes

News & Announcements

Check out this section for important announcements (except upcoming events: they're below) and stories about Regional Ministry activities.

  • The Voice NEWSLETTER

  • Combined Worship and fellowship - JUly 30, 2023

    On Sunday, July 30th, Anglicans from across the Regional Ministry gathered in St John's, Havelock, for a combined service.  The Rev. Bryce Sangster presided and Janet Marshall, Diocesan Director of Congregation Development, preached.  Parishioners from different churches read the lessons, sang in the choir, and led the prayers.  After worship there was a Town Hall meeting for parishioners to ask questions and give feedback to the Regional Council and this was followed by a summer picnic lunch and fellowship.

    To watch the recording of the worship service and town hall on YouTube, click here.

  • Easter Vigil and Supper - April 8, 2023

    People from across the Regional Ministry met at the Alnwick Civic Centre in Roseneath to celebrate the Resurrection with an Easter Vigil service and potluck supper.  Bishop Riscylla Shaw joined us to preside over the liturgy and our regional clergy assisted, with the Rev. Dr. Max Dionisio, Regional Curate, preaching.  Approximately 80 people from all 6 churches attended and it was a joyful celebration of both Easter and our shared ministry and fellowship.

    To watch the recording of the worship service on YouTube, click here.

  • CHRiSTMAS CAROL SING - December 11, 2022

    Despite the heavy snow, several dozen folks from across the region gathered at St John's, Peterborough on a Sunday afternoon two weeks before Christmas for "Christmas Carol Karaoke".  People called out the numbers of their favourite seasonal hymns and sang them to organ accompaniment.  After an hour of singing, mulled cider and hot chocolate were served with a variety of baked goods as people chatted and got to know one another better.  Merry Christmas!

  • REGIONAL MINISTRY "GRAND OPENING" - September 25, 2022

    On Sunday, September 25th, Anglicans from across the region attended a special worship service and supper to celebrate the beginning of our shared ministry.  The congregation of 80 people filled St George's Church in Hastings and everyone enjoyed the choir-led service of Evensong which included the installation of the Rev. Max Dionisio as the Regional Curate (assistant clergy).  Following the service, we went into the church hall for a supper provided by members of the various congregations.  As everyone ate and mingled, new friendships were formed and we look forward to the next opportunity for worship and fellowship together.


Check out events happening in the churches around the Region.  Some are Regional Ministry initiatives and some are from individual congregations.  All are welcome to any of the events listed below.


    The next Regional Combined Worship service will be Sunday, December 29th, 2024; location to be determined.

  • UPCOMING Events at Christ Church, Campbellford

    Christ Church is located at 154 Kent Street, Campbellford.

    Weekly Bible Study meets in Jenkins Hall at 11:00 a.m. on Thursdays. All are welcome. For further information, please contact Larry Ricciardelli at 905-730-8280 or by email.

    Reading for Oct 17th: Job 38:1-7

  • UPCOMING EVENTS at St George's, Hastings

    St George's is located at 38 Bridge Street South, Hastings.

    St George's is having a Butter Tart Sale Friday, October 25th. Packages of 6 are $6.50 and come in plain, raisin, pecan or Skor.  Pick up is between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.  To preorder call Phyllis at 705-295-2451. Download the poster here.

    Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 16th, 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at the church.

  • Upcoming events at St JOhn's, Peterborough

    St John's is located at 99 Brock Street, Peterborough.

    Harvest Thanksgiving Intergenerational Ministry event, Friday, October 18th, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Featuring a faith-based activity illustrating how to transform gratitude into generosity, Evening Prayer, and a harvest-themed meal. All ages welcome. No cost to attend. RSVP to the church office at 705-745-7624 or email.

    Remembrance Evensong, Sunday, November 3rd, at 4:00 p.m.

  • Upcoming Events at St James', Roseneath

    St James' is located at 21 Church Road, Roseneath.

  • Upcoming Events at St JOhn's, Havelock

    St John's is located at 1 George Street East, Havelock.

Why Regional Ministry?

It is only through coming together as a Regional Ministry that we will have the resources and energy to continue our beloved traditional ministries and diversify to revitalize and offer programs and ministries that can reach new people through worship, care, and outreach. As a region we will be able to have:

  • Better programming with more options;
  • More priests, lay leaders and volunteers to support programs and ministries;
  • More creativity, more energy, and more resources to do ministry and mission in creative ways. Way which can focus on connecting with new people and people are not being attracted to our traditional ministries;
  • We can do more effective outreach ministries and have a larger impact on making positive changes in people’s lives;
  • We can have a stronger pastoral care program, connecting especially with people who are isolated, in care, or homebound;
  • COVID has shown us that we now need to be able to provide ministry in different ways including online. As a region we will have the capacity to diversify and strengthen ways we can offer worship and other ministry programs;
  • We would have a team ministry giving our congregations and communities a broader range of gifts and skills for ministry and mission and opportunities for collaboration and collegiality for the clergy;
  • The team could be specialized to best grow ministry in the area.

  • It would be easier to recruit priests into a Regional ministry team. 

Regional Council Minutes

Below you will find a copy of the minutes from each Regional Council meeting.  Click on the date to download the PDF.  Meeting dates are announced in congregational bulletins and newsletters and all meetings are open for parishioners to attend.  If you would like the Regional Council to consider an item at its next meeting, please contact the chair, the Rev. Canon Brad Smith (705-745-7624 x 24 or email).

September 5, 2023

June 20, 2023

May 9, 2023

April 18, 2023

February 14, 2023

December 6, 2022

October 29, 2022

September 10, 2022

June 25, 2022

May 14, 2022 (the last meeting of the Regional Ministry Working Group)