
St John's worships in a variety of ways, all of which are intended to help worshippers to connect with God through prayer, Scripture, and music.  There is very traditional language at our 8:15 Sunday and 10:00 Wednesday celebrations, and a more contemporary language at the 10:00 Sunday celebrations.  Our style ranges from a more informal, discussion-based service to a solemn Eucharist with chanting, incense, and bells.  We offer a range of music from ancient to modern, from Anglican hymns to praise choruses, with leadership from organ, piano, flute, guitar, and voice.

For visitors who are here for the first time or after some time away, we know that a church can be an intimidating place to visit, especially if you don’t know what to expect.  You are welcome at any one of our services throughout the week.  You can engage with others as much as you want or remain anonymous if you prefer.  We hope that through visiting with us, you will experience the hope, love, and joy that is experienced in a community of people who love Jesus.

There is a time for fellowship (visiting) and refreshments (tea, coffee, juice, and sweets) at 11:15 a.m. on Sundays and after the 10:00 a.m. service on Wednesdays.

  • Sunday celebration

    10:00 A.M. in the nave

    Every Sunday we gather together at 10:00 in the Church to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and the work of God in our lives.  We do this by gathering in community, listening to God's Word proclaimed aloud in Holy Scripture and interpreted in the sermon, celebrating Eucharist, and being commissioned to go out into the world to build up the Kingdom of God.

    As you enter the church, you will be welcomed at the door by a greeter and given the printed order of service.  Find a chair and have a seat--if you sit next to a regular parishioner, please feel free to say hello and to ask any questions that you might have.  If you have children with you, please do not stress over keeping them quiet or seated in the pew.  We welcome little ones and do not mind if they talk, cry, or wander. Families are invited to use the children's activity area near the Tower Door, with colouring sheets, books, etc.

    Our Sunday Celebrations begin with the Gathering of the Community:  a sung hymn, some prayers, and hymn of praise.  The next major portion of the service is the Proclamation of the Word.  We hear four readings from the Bible, usually one each from the Hebrew Scriptures, Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospels.  The sermon explores what the Scriptures might be saying to us today.  After a time of silent reflection, we respond to the hearing of the Word by with the affirmation of faith, the Prayers of the People, the Confession and Absolution, and the Peace, where we greet one another in the name of the Lord.

    At this time, we sing another hymn as the bread and wine to be used in the Eucharist are brought forward and the offering plate is passed to allow people to contribute from their treasure to support the work of the Church.  We give thanks for the gifts and then stand while the priest prays over the bread and wine, retelling the story of salvation and saying the words that Jesus said over bread and wine at the Last Supper.  We believe that, in the bread and the wine, Jesus becomes present to us in our community.  At the conclusion of the Eucharistic prayers, the congregation receives Communion.

    After Communion, we stand to pray and are blessed by the priest.  We sing a final hymn and are dismissed to go out into the world, filled with grace by having shared in the Sunday Celebration with our brothers and sisters, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the work of God. But, before we do so, we take some time in the Guild Hall for fellowship, conversation, and refreshments.

  • open circle

    10:00 A.m. sundays in the guild hall

    (Joined with the nave congregation FOR COMMUNION)

    Held Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the Guild Hall of the church, the Open Circle is an inclusive, interactive, and informal worshipping community.  The community sits in a circle and everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts during the sermon time.  Music ranges from contemporary worship songs to traditional hymns.  The words and other parts of the worship service are projected on screen at either end of the hall so no books or bulletins are needed and the text is large enough to be seen by most people, including those with diminished vision.  All are welcome to be a part of this community and are able to contribute in whatever way they see fit. The Open Circle joins the Nave congregation in the church for Communion.

  • Traditional Language Holy communion

    8:15 A.m. Sundays (Sep-JUN) and 10:00 A.M. Wednesdays

    On Sunday, the service is held at 8:15 a.m. in the Nave with a congregation of 10-15 people.  On Wednesday, the service is held at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel with a congregation of 20-25 people.  This is a simpler service with a sermon and the Order for Holy Communion from the 1962 Book of Common Prayer.  There is no music at the Sunday service. The Wednesday service has hymns and other music accompanied on the grand piano.  On the first Wednesday of the month special prayers are offered for healing for worshipers or those for whom prayers are desired for healing of spirit, mind, or body. A time of fellowship and refreshment follows the Wednesday service.